Your Back to Uni Checklist! | CityBlock

It’s happened and aren’t you excited?

You’ve safely secured your place as a full or part time student at the university of your dreams! Congratulations! Now you’re frantically running from store to store buying all the essential bits and bobs you never thought you’d actually need to buy. Soap? Who needs that? What’s washing detergent and you need how many knives and forks?

Well take it from us, if your mad dash includes fitfully searching for suitable accommodations we’ve got your back! We know students. We know the stress and the excitement, the long nights out and the long nights in sat at your desk with your computer in front of you. Most of all, over the years of providing spotless all inclusive student accommodation , we’ve come to realise there’s a few vital thing to consider packing when you’re on your way to become a future graduate of your chosen field.


A group of students having fun with smartphones after class.

  1. Super Stylish Stationary

Oh yes, the stationary. While you’re running around looking for extra bedding and cute accessories to dot around your brand new bedroom, you may have forgotten about the all important stationary. Your lecturers won’t be handing out exercise books on your first day let’s be honest, so securing your place with spiral bound notepads of A4 or A5 size, a catchy design and a biro soon to be dubbed your ‘favourite pen’ is essential if you want to make it through your lectures and seminars in one piece.


Man writing in notebook

  1. Big Beautiful Bags

How do you see yourself getting to and from uni with all of your books cradled into the crook of your arm? A slim handbag isn’t going to do you much good when you’ve text books, drinks bottles, your purse or wallet and your notebooks to carry! Finding that secure bag to help you through your days is also a vital asset to uni life. Whether you decide on your faithful school backpack or a brand new messenger bag, be sure it’s big enough to fit all of your uni gear in. Trust us, you’ll be grateful for it on your first day!


Portrait of a woman in a library

  1. Amazing Alarm Clocks

To ensure you get into uni on time and in tip top form, an alarm clock will become your best friend. Late nights are a common occurrence for the student populace, from nights out to nights in, getting to your lectures means you need that little something extra to help you out of bed in the morning. Setting multiple alarms will help you do just that!


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  1. Secret Stash of Sweets

Having a secret stash of sweets can help you make it through those essays and research tasks for your course.

Candy in a glass jar

For more information on how we can help make your time at uni fantastic, contact us today and we’ll be happy to help!


Posted on September 3rd, 2015