How to Relax During the Exam Period | CityBlock

Exam season is almost here and you’re already getting nervous… you’re wondering about the questions you’re going to get, worried about getting them right and stressed and overwhelmed about all the studying you have to get through before taking the exams.

Not getting stressed out is fantastic advice. The problem is, it’s easier said than done. At CityBlock, we want to help you breeze through your exam period, so take a look at the tips we offer below to make sure you don’t give yourself a migraine with everything you need to do – and study!

Don’t Procrastinate, Start Early

Again, easier to say than do… revising for exams should never be done last-minute, as not only will you stress yourself out with the huge amount of stuff to memorise, but it’s also unlikely that you’ll remember anything you studied.

We know it’s not an exciting task, but our advice is to start your revision as early as possible. You’ll recall information much easier than if you cram it a few days before the exam, and you won’t feel rushed or desperate.

And, of course, you’ll be able to relax. If you’re not feeling the pressure to study, you’ll find that you have a lot more time to catch up on that show you’ve been meaning to watch and that you don’t feel guilty about going out for drinks with your friends.

Eat Well and Drink Plenty

Of water, that is. Staying hydrated and eating properly will fuel your brain for the studying ahead. While coffee and chocolate might give you that short-term energy boost a lot of students crave when revising for exams, the sugar and caffeine might actually leave you even more anxious than usual.

Energy drinks are the same. They provide you with a burst of energy that won’t last for very long, so avoid gulping them or wolfing down candy bars when you’re preparing for your exams – you’ll feel a lot calmer!

Start in the Morning

Fewer words can make students despair more than ‘get up early’, but the truth is that it helps! If you start working in the morning instead of sleeping in, things will go a lot smoother for you. After all, can you imagine starting revision at 3pm and having to continue until it’s already dark, when your friends are all going out and you can’t go with them?

Starting early means you can finish early and will have more energy to tackle books. It also means you’ll have more free time when it actually matters and you don’t have to miss out on having a social life!

Reward Yourself

No, we don’t actually mean you get to marathon Netflix for 5 hours after studying for a whole hour straight… what we do mean is that you can keep yourself motivated by having a treat after finishing revising a chapter, for instance, or arrange a night out when everything is done and dusted.

Keeping your eyes on the goals and treating yourself when you accomplish them will help you feel less stressed about the work you need to achieve – and studying will be a lot more fun!

At CityBlock we’re always on the lookout for ways to make your life easier, whether with great student accommodation in Lancaster, student accommodation in Reading, or with student tips you can enjoy all year round – and especially during the all-important exam season. Also, take a virtual tour of our premises and check out the room that could be your next home!

Posted on April 12th, 2017