The Student Dream VS. Reality (Part Two) | CityBlock

So by now, some of you fresh-faced and lovely freshers will have, as of this week, moved in, met your new BFF’s and got started on that deathly mix of Sainsbury’s basics punch in true Fresher’s style. If that’s the case – how’s the head today?

If you haven’t yet embarked on your university adventure, don’t worry! There’s plenty to look forward to, and as promised, here are a few more hard hitting truths regarding student reality VS. the pre-fresher’s daydream. Enjoy!

4. Deadlines


You’ll be sooo organised! You’ll have 1000 completed to-do lists and all your work will be finished and printed days before the final deadline! You’ll even have time to arrange a few meetings with your tutor to check your on the right path. After all, you’re paying £9000+ so you want to do your best, and there is absolutely no way you will ever go out the night before a deadline…


Even though you really tried to say no, you’ll leave most of your course work until the last day or two, and you’ll end up thinking you should have paid rent to the library rather than your accommodation. You’ll become an absolute pro at skim-reading, working on minimal sleep and the speediest typer, ever! You’ll become a little too reliant on energy drinks and you may just be on first-name terms by 3rd year with those heavenly folk from staples who print and bind your essays 30 minutes before a deadline. Hooray for those lovely, lovely, people!

5. Lectures


You’re at university, studying your dream course, with your Einstein-esque lecturers, what could be better? You’ll be at every 9am lecture and for every minute you spend at university, you just keep feeling smarter!


The lecture theatre never look as good as it does on TV, or even in the brochure, some lecturers read off power point, (which you can get off the uni portal anyway!) and most of the time you’ll turn up to a lecture hung over or still drunk and leave at the first opportunity. You’ll ask yourself every time why you didn’t just stay in bed, and that one day you finally make a 9am lecture feeling fresh and ready for action, it’ll be cancelled! Who invented 9am lectures, anyway?

6. Your Beloved Flatmates


Those randomly selected individuals chosen to live with you are going to absolutely-you and become your best friends, forever, for the rest of your life! You’ll go to each other’s weddings and laugh about the ‘the good old uni days’ even when you’re old. Ah, friendship!


Chances are you’ll probably hate at least one of your flatmates. This poor person will either hate noise, hate mess or just hate you! Your other flatties won’t understand the concept of washing up and your kitchen will gradually grow its own zoo of creepy crawlies and furry mould.

7. You!


You’ll find the new independent and completely stylish you, you’ll look immaculate at every opportunity (because you just don’t know who’ll be on campus) and you’ll definitely find and fall in love with your university sweetheart.


You’ll spend the majority of your time in your joggers, or fancy dress! (Let’s hope it isn’t a onesie!) You probably will find love, for at least a day or two until you go on another awkward date or she discovers how weird you and your friends are, and you’ll discover your real talent is cramming a whole Netflix series within 24 hours!

But really, would you change it? University really is the best years of your life, and here at CityBlock we provide quality student living to suit your new lifestyle! For more information or to book a room in our modern DMU accommodation – get in contact with our friendly team on 01162 517 270 today!

Posted on September 18th, 2014