Why Should You Want to Live in Accredited Accommodation? | CityBlock

What are the first things that spring to mind when you start thinking about planning next year’s accommodation? Perfect flat mates, a comfy bed, and perhaps even an en suite bathroom? These are all important factors for sure… but one thing that we think you should push further up the list is accreditation.

CityBlock student accommodation in Lancaster and student accommodation Reading  has been independently checked and awarded the coveted ANUK Accreditation; we’ve worked hard to make sure your accommodation is totally up to scratch, and we think that every student deserves the same level of care!


So What Does the ANUK Check For?

The ANUK Accreditation system is pretty comprehensive, covering everything from welfare to maintenance, so with an accredited accommodation provider such as CityBlock you can relax knowing that every aspect of your stay will be comfortable, and that you’ll be well cared for.

They also check factors such as customer care and property management, ensuring that students don’t get burnt by hidden costs, unfair fees or dishonest marketing. Knowing that your accommodation is always being provided by people who are dedicated to your best interests, and always having relevant information passed along at the appropriate time, can be the key to avoiding extra stress while you study!

Does Every Landlord Have to Sign Up?

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You might think that every student landlord should ensure that the flats they offer are up to these standards; the trouble is, since it’s completely voluntary, not everybody sees the need to follow this National Code for assured accommodation.

This means that booking your flat late in the academic year can leave you with less well-regulated home for the year to come. If you choose to book before Christmas, you are far more likely to end up with a flat that offers everything you expect and deserve – wait around and you could find yourself disappointed.

Booking now also means that you’ll have a better chance of getting all of your friends in one flat… so we definitely recommend that big groups put their bookings in before the Christmas break – don’t worry, you still have time!

How Do I Book?

We’re glad you asked! If you want to beat all of the crowds and get your accredited accommodation sorted out before the next term starts then we think you’re making a smart move, and we’re here to help. You can book now with ease online or get in touch with our team to find out more or arrange a viewing. Call us at 01524 541251 with your questions or connect with us on Facebook or Twitter for all the latest news.

Posted on December 16th, 2015