Winning Christmas Shopping on a Student Budget – CityBlock

We all love Christmas! Not only is it an excuse to eat as much as we want and not feel guilty, we also get presents!

We’re also expected to give our loved ones presents too, which unfortunately means that Christmas can be quite expensive. This is a problem for students who are living on a budget all year round.

We don’t think you should let money problems get in the way of your Christmas – just follow our top tips for making your Christmas special despite a limited budget.

happy people jumping in winter

Write a List

Before you start to buy any Christmas presents, you should write a list of everyone that you are planning to buy for. We then suggest assigning money to each person! When it comes to actually shopping for the gifts, you should stick to the list and budget allocated. This way, you won’t spend more than you budgeted for.

Don’t Forget Your Student Discount Card

Your student discount might come in handy when you’re in need of a new dress or shoes for a night out, but it could actually help you a lot when it comes to Christmas shopping. With discounts available from hundreds of different stores, you can use your discount card to bag yourself some bargains when it comes to purchasing gifts.

Create Your Gifts

Can you bake? Draw? Are you super handy with a pair of knitting needles? If so, why don’t you create your gifts this year instead of going out and buying them? It’s a lot more personal and will show your loved ones that you have actually put thought and effort into their presents. Just remember that whilst they might not cost as much, they will take more time and therefore should be started as early as possible.

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Suggest Secret Santa

Do you have a large group of friends? Buying for everyone can end up being far too expensive. It’s much better to suggest doing Secret Santa – in which everyone chooses a name from a hat and then only has to buy for that person. It’s worth setting a budget too, which can be any price that you wish. It’s fun, it saves you money, and no one has to feel bad for not being able to buy everyone a present.

Before the excitement of Christmas really hits, it’s worth thinking about what you’re doing next year when it comes to accommodation. It’s always better to arrange it sooner than later – plus you don’t want to be worrying about it over the festive period. This is why we advise you to book now!

To find out more about our student accommodation options, including our fantastic deals on group bookings, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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You can give us a call on 01524 541251 for any enquiries.

Alternatively, you can reach us on Facebook or Twitter.


Posted on December 10th, 2015