Your Ultimate Guide to Avoiding Dissertation Stress – CityBlock

Here at CityBlock, we understand that working on your dissertation can definitely be a stressful, exhausting, time consuming and utterly nerve-racking period of your university life, and without the proper strategy in place, you can begin to feel swamped. We love all our students, and understand that it’s not always easy to take a moment to relax and de-stress during your dissertation, and this is why we’ve written this ultimate guide to avoiding dissertation stress, to help you guys get through!


Don’t dread the deadlines…


When you’re feeling under pressure, it’s easy to dread the deadlines and put off work because it all seems too much but embracing the deadline can help transform your dissertation experience into a wholly more manageable one. Keeping track of when drafts are due, and when final submissions have to be made will allow you to plan exactly how much (or little) time you need to devote to your dissertation throughout your final year, taking away the stress of last minute panic writing.


Don’t forget to exercise…


Boo, exercise. Whilst exercise is never the most inspiring activity when you feel bogged down with a heavy work load, taking just 20 minutes a day to go for a walk or have a quick session in the gym can reduce stress levels and boost serotonin levels in the brain. This in turn helps you to focus on your work, because we all know that when you feel good everything’s just that little bit easier to cope with.


Eat like a winner…


When you want to be at the top of your game, it’s hugely important to ensure that you are eating a balanced diet. It’s important to bear in mind that eating healthily contributes to your mental as well as physical health and that the brain requires nutrients just like your heart, lungs or muscles do. With this in mind, when it comes to writing your dissertation, it’s essential to eat ‘brain’ foods to help you with energy levels and boost your brain ability.


Let us sweat the small things…


When you have a lot on your plate you don’t want to be worrying about the whole host of other problems that come with privately let accommodation. Things such as utility bills, cleaning up after messy housemates, and lack of security are all concerns that you shouldn’t have to deal with during your dissertation year. This is where CityBlock is here to help, offering student accommodation in Lancaster with all utility bills included, high security measures, weekly cleaning and even more, so when you need to knuckle down, you needn’t worry about the small things.

Posted on January 6th, 2014