Happy Christmas from the CityBlock Team! | CityBlock

Is it just us, or does Christmas seem to have snuck up this year with all the ‘soft-footing’ that you’d expect from a last minute essay deadline? Sure, you’ve known about it for months, and it’s never been forgotten about, but it’s just sooooooooo far away…expect then it’s not so far away and you’re scrambling around in the throes of a dreaded ‘all nighter’. Ringing any bells this Christmas? It sure does with us, as we seriously can’t believe where the last 12 months have gone!


For most of you, university term is well and truly over, and you’ll have jetted back off to the safety and security of a Christmas at home. Admit it, you missed the old place right? Right?! For others of you, going home might not be possible, so it could well be the case that you’re sticking around on your university turf. Don’t let the home-birds tell you different; Christmas at uni can be great. No matter how comfy your standard family celebrations are, a change can make all the difference.

Regardless of how you’re spending this year’s festive season, the team here at CityBlock would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very happy Christmas! Sure, we know that you probably won’t be reading this for a while, ‘cos you’re doubtless running around in a whirlwind of last-minute Christmas shopping, but we really hope that you have a great festive season. Forget the essays that you should have been on top of already, and relax (just don’t tell your lecturers that we told you…).


Of course, Christmas doesn’t last forever, but that’s OK, as New Year is an excuse to party as well, and we trust that 2015 will be another great year for you. More nights out, more friends made, more essays to churn out….wait, forget that last one. We know we’re certainly looking forward to the next 12 months, and it’s our intention to continue to bring you the very best options for student housing in Lancaster too. Whether you’re already using our accommodation or are thinking of looking into our facilities very soon, we’ve got you covered for not only the next 12 months, but way beyond that as well. We’re always looking to bring you even more value for money, so watch this space!

Once again, we hope that you all have a fantastic Christmas and New Year, and we look forward to welcoming you back in 2015 (perhaps for the very first time). See you all soon…

Posted on December 22nd, 2014