Roald Dahl Appreciation – Happy 99th Birthday! | CityBlock

At CityBlock it’s that time of year where we begin to welcome all the new starters in their posh blazers, with their swanky new pencil cases and spit polished cheeks. Everywhere from our student accommodation in Lancaster to De Montfort University accommodation will be welcoming the sound of pen on paper and keyboard tapping as you begin your yearlong studying spate, but there’s a wee while yet, right?

So to ease you in to your first weeks we thought we would combine the celebration of a fantastic literary mind whilst simultaneously providing you with some recommended viewing… so, as the more social media-y amongst you may have noticed, yesterday was in fact Roald Dahl’s 99th birthday!

So, while the only way to truly honour the great man would be through reading one of his works, we thought after the long drive and time spent sorting your room out you’d probably want a film? Thought so! So grab yourself a snozzcumber and quit your whizpopping, and check out our list of some of the best Roald Dahl’s book-to-films ever made.

Witches (1990)

This 1990 classic sees the children hating witches take over a hotel as a witch convention comes to town. Discovering the identity of many of the hotel guests as witches, Luke – a 9 year old American boy on holiday with his grandmother – sets about a plan to free the hotel of their gruesome presence. This film is a fantastic display of the book’s and Dahl’s leaning towards the creepy and absurd.

Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory (1971)

Poor ol’ Charlie and his family haven’t had the best breaks in life, but they’re rich in love (n’awww). Watch as Charlie and his granddad have the trippiest day of their entire life; featuring such lessons as, don’t be greedy or you’ll end up in a chocolate river. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry… gosh, you may even learn a thing or two!

You Only Live Twice (1967)

We know! There’s a pub quiz answer for you. This James Bond classic’s screenplay was actually written by Dahl, and follows the ol’ womanising secret agent on a mission to check out the disappearance of Soviet and US spacecrafts in Japan. The perfect Sunday afternoon film, if there ever was one.

So there we have it! Some of Dahl’s greatest on screen translations. Treat yourself by getting comfy in your new accommodation and indulging in a Roald Dahl-binge; we also recommend you get round to digging out your copy of one of his literary masterpieces, we’re sure you have a couple. What better way to start your new digs experience than cranking out a Dahl-creation.

In your opening few weeks we want you to feel comfortable; it’s your new home after all! So don’t hesitate to give us a call if you need anything or have any issues, you can always contact us on 01524 541251 – one our friendly team will be eagerly awaiting your call!

Go on then, get back to ya’ whizpopping:

Posted on September 14th, 2015