Safe and Sound this Holiday Season – CityBlock

With your first term of the year rounding up nicely, and parties being planned left right and centre, getting caught up in the excitement can mean forgetting yourself and, sometimes, your own safety.

In this icy weather there are a couple of key things to remember to help keep you safe in town.

Travel in Packs

If you’re travelling away from the town centre, or if you’re simply attending one of the many pubs and clubs Lancaster and our other CityBlock locations have to offer, be sure to travel in pairs or in a group. There’s safety in numbers, as they say!

Stick to the main roads, especially if you’re not used to the town, and make sure your friends and housemates know where you’re going. Be sure to keep your wallets and purses close to you at all times. Zip up pockets are fantastic, though if you happen to be pocket-less, ensure your bag is strapped across your body for added security!

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 Fancy a Seasonal Drink… or Three?

It goes without saying that when partying you’ll undoubtedly consume your fair share of merry drinks. Though the season may bring out a fantastic concoction of Christmas cheer, you should make sure to keep an eye on your drinks when being made and keep them by your side at all times. For bottles, there are nifty plastic stoppers your University can give you which prevent anything unpleasant falling into your drink!

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Walk This Way

You may not realise it, but the majority of injuries sustained on a night out are simply wardrobe related. Yes that’s right, high heels are fantastic but please, wear them with some consideration to your feet! Winter is coming and icy pavements won’t be far behind. On a cold, wet night out, take care what you wear. If you’re worried  your outfit won’t make the right impression without heels, take a pair of roll up flats in your bag; you can always change through the night and nobody will mind.

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We like to know that all of our student residents are safe and sound this holiday season, whether it’s a sparkling fireworks night or a frosty Christmas course do. When you head back to your student accommodation in Lancaster or Reading in the wee hours of the morning, you can relax knowing you’re protected by our 24 hour security and that our onsite maintenance and customer service teams are on hand to help you out, no matter what.

If you’d like to find out how we can make your university experience that little bit less stressful, don’t hesitate to contact us today on 01524 541251, follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest CityBlock news!

Posted on November 2nd, 2015